Meet Inspiring Individuals

Meet Inspiring Individuals
Be Your Personal Best

As we celebrate being the best versions of ourselves, let us introduce you to some very inspiring and accomplished individuals - artist MattyBro, international humanitarian Rabia Siddique, sports star Sabrina Frederick and environmentalist Laura Wells. They share with us their go-to pieces for summer and their top tips for being your personal best.

International humanitarian lawyer, a retired army officer, hostage survivor, a professional speaker, author and mother of triplets—Rabia is a woman of many talents.
Rabia Siddique
Known for his large-scale murals for A-list stars, MattyBro is a man that is all about going big or going home.
As a talented AFLW player and SAS Australia contestant, you might recognise Sabrina from your TV screens.
Sabrina Frederick
A science communicator, environmentalist, traveller and model, Laura Wells is making waves of positive change.
Laura Wells